Mission & Outreach
This area focuses on God’s mission in the world to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and to serve all people by being the hands and feet of Christ. Here you can find experiences that will help you join with God’s mission locally and globally.
Easter | Monday-Thursdays from 5:30-6:30pm | No Cost | Volunteering starts at 2pm
Chef-prepared meals packaged in to-go containers for you to take home, eat in the community room, or deliver to others. Everyone is welcome. Volunteer to help us cook and serve meals.
Shepherd of the Valley | Tuesdays & Thursdays from 10am–4pm
SOTV partners with 360 Communities to operate a food shelf for the benefit of the local community. Volunteers and donations are always welcome.
Shepherd of the Valley | sotv.org/every-meal
Volunteer to place food in student lockers at Falcon Ridge Middle School. This program takes place every Friday through the school year for those needing food assistance over the weekend.
Easter | September 12, October 10, November 7, December 5 from 3:30–5:30pm
Fare For All is a cooperative purchasing opportunity that offers fresh produce and frozen meat. It’s open to everyone, and your purchase helps keep the food affordable, ranging in cost from $10 to $30. Open to ALL - no questions asked. Save 30-40% off retail prices. Credit, debit, EBT, or cash accepted.
Prince of Peace | Weekly, Mondays–Thursdays
Mission Outpost, in partnership with The Salvation Army, is a hub where those in need can receive food and support from caring individuals from the community. Email outpost@popmn.org with questions about volunteer opportunities.
Prince of Peace | 2nd Wednesday September-June from 8:30am–12:30 pm
We use recycled new and used t-shirts to create diapers, baby hats, dog toys and washcloths for world-wide distribution. You can cut, count, fold, sew, trace, and have fun. We accept new and used t-shirts sizes medium and larger. Label them “diaper ministry” and leave them in the donation bins at Prince of Peace. Contact Nancy Ferche with questions at nlferche@gmail.com.
Easter | Mondays at 9:30am
Quilting activities include cutting, arranging the squares, sewing, and tying the quilts. Everything is provided. We also welcome donations of fabric and flat sheets for backing.
Call 651-452-3680 or email easter@easter.org with questions. This class is held at the Easter on the Hill location.
Shepherd of the Valley | Every Wednesday, 9–11:30am
Shepherd of the Valley | 1st, 3rd, 5th Thursdays 9 -11:30am
Join Shepherd Quilters or Golden Stitchers to cut, iron, or stitch. All skill levels are welcomed. Quilts are donated to a variety of organizations.
Prince of Peace | 1st, 3rd, 5th Wednesdays from 9am–12pm
Quilting activities include cutting, arranging the squares, sewing and tying the quilts. Most quilts go to POP Mission Outpost. Everything is provided. We also welcome donations of fabric and flat sheets for backing. Contact Patty for information 952-890- 4514 or Carol at ceedurand@hotmail.com.
Easter | 3rd Saturdays at 9:30am
Are you a knitter or crocheter? Easter people create prayer blankets to offer comfort for anyone in need. For more info email us at easter@easter.org. This class is held at the Easter on the Hill location.
Prince of Peace | 1st & 3rd Monday at 6:30pm
This is a member-led group representing 18 faith communities in the south metro, that strives to educate, equip and empower all to be good stewards of God’s creation by valuing and preserving our environment. To get involved, contact Curt Carlson at carlsoc77@gmail.com.
Weekly, November–April | Eastview Elementary, Lakeville
Math Masters volunteers mentor students in the use of critical thinking skills and problem-solving abilities, and motivate students to be more interested in math. Volunteers are not required to be at every session and may be asked to attend some preliminary informational meetings.
Contact Robert Pelton, POP member, at 952-898-1164 or peltonrm@frontiernet.net. More info at math-masters.org.